


In(ter)dependent consultant of Accelerating Change Towards Sustainability since 2000.

Main fields of competences: Strategic and systemic approach towards sustainability. Facilitation of collaborative and innovative processes. Creativity and thinking out of the box. Experience: Co-director of The Natural Step in France (five years). Content development role and international project manager of the Sustainability Literacy Test. Coach, trainer, teacher on any subject related to collaboratively and creatively accelerating change towards sustainability. Project officer of the Earth Charter International Secretariat (one year). Main missions: Consulting and educating in strategic sustainable development for SMEs, academic, corporate and public worlds. Engaging customers and providers (Interface Europe, Hydro Polymers). Development of international initiatives (Earth Charter, The Natural Step International, Sulitest.org). Questions I love to use (and gathered by working with great peers and mentors): What is your definition of sustainability? What is, with reference to this definition, your gap to sustainability? What are you doing, at the strategic level of the organization, to bridge that gap? … And: How do you make sure your actions are leverage points to transform your system? What if people don’t mind change, but they do mind being changed? What if people are not led by managers but by good ideas?