Besides research, Andrea Zanella teaches courses offered in the bachelor´s and masters degree of the curriculum in Telecommunication Engineering and also teaches the course of Telecommunication Networks at University of Padova, in Italy.
He received the Laurea degree in Computer Engineering (summa cum laude) in 1998, from the University of Padova and got the Ph.D. in Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering in 2002, with his thesis on the “Analysis and Modeling of Wireless Data Networks”.
His major interest is in the design and analysis of communication protocols for wireless networks and distributed systems. He has worked on many different issues related to such topics, spanning from the definition of mathematical models for physical radio links to the design and analysis of mechanisms for improving the transmission of Internet protocols (mainly TCP) over lossy connections. Zanella has long experience in the modeling and performance analysis of WLANs and WPANs, cross-layer and cognitive protocols for multimedia transmissions over resource constrained networks, and localization algorithms for indoor wireless networks. His research activity has been addressed both to academic and industrial research issues, and has produced more than 100 research papers appeared in international per-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and some patents concerning protocols for the transmission of multimedia content over wireless networks. He also has contributed to a number of national and international research projects in the ICT area, and collaborated with several industries. Furthermore, he is one of the coordinators of the SIGnals and NETworking research lab (SIGNET), that he founded back in 2003.