Xavier Ferré holds both a licentiate (1996) and a doctorate (2005) in computer science from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). He is an associate professor of the Department of Computer Systems and Languages and Software Engineering at UPM Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering (ETSIInf), where he worked as associate dean of students (2004-2012) and deputy director of international affairs (2016-2021). He has served as director of the Master´s Program in Software Engineering at the UPM European Master in Software Engineering (2011-2012), coordinator of the educational innovation group “Student Recruitment, Orientation and Welcome” since its foundation in 2010, and director of the UPM–EL MUNDO Chair on Digital Communication (2013-2017). In 2021, he was appointed Asia area director at UPM. He has been a researcher at the Ageing Lab of the UPM Center of Biomedical Technology (CTB) since 2015. He gave tutorials in the two most important conferences addressing his research specialty area (Human–Computer Interaction and Software Engineering): the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2011) and the 28th Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2006). He has participated as invited speaker at the VI Ibero-American Symposium on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (JIISIC ‘07), the 2013 International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology (ICIBET 2013) and the 2017 Health Research Symposium of the Community of Madrid. He was hired as high-end foreign expert by the government of the People’s Republic of China to conduct joint research with Tongji University (2015-2017). His primary research interests include automated usability testing, particularly usability and user experience (UX) testing in mobile applications, and mobile application design for elderly people, especially those related to health.