
The CIIS 2024 organizing committee invites researchers, professionals and students to submit works in progress as posters with the aim of giving participants and the scientific community an opportunity to learn about their research proposals.

The selected posters will be presented during the poster session of CIIS 2024, prior coordination with the organizing committee. CIIS 2024 will be held in a hybrid format.

Important Dates
Poster submission deadline: September 9th
 Review committee’s notification of poster acceptance and comments deadline: September 30th
 Final poster submission deadline: October 7th

Author Guidelines
  • Posters should be submitted in two (2) files: the first one should be a Microsoft Word document of at most three (3) pages, with a text containing only a general overview of the work, including references. The second file should be a one-slide PowerPoint presentation, which combines text and images, and includes a brief description of the work that has been completed. Both documents should be sent in a compressed ZIP file (*.zip).
  • To submit the text document, this template‎ should be used. The document structure should include the title, abstract, introduction, content, references and a brief biography. The structure of the content section should fulfill the author’s criteria.
  • To submit posters, the following template should be used template.
  • Tables, diagrams or flowcharts should be editable and preferably created in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Adobe Illustrator.
  • Images or photographs should have a minimum resolution of 500 dpi and a minimum size of 190 mm.
  • Texts in figures should be grammatically correct and legible for the reader.
  • All figures or tables should be labeled and cite their source. If the image was created by the author, indicate that it is the author’s own creation using APA style.
  • Posters should not include in-text citations whose source is not listed in the reference section and list references that are not cited in the research work.
  • Posters should be unpublished works.
  • Review of the poster proposal is not anonymous.
  • Authors of selected posters presented at the conference will be invited to prepare extended versions in short article format, with a maximum length of 1500 words. These articles will be considered for publication in the digital journal Interfases, which is indexed in Redalyc, CrossRef, Dialnet, Latindex and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), after going through a peer review process.

Poster Publication

CIIS 2024 will publish posters approved by the review committee according to the following:

1) Approved posters will be published in the portal of the Conference on Systems Engineering Proceedings. The publications will be arranged in a series identified with ISSN 2810-806X (online) and ISBN approved by the Peruvian National Library.
2) The abstracts and presentation of accepted posters will have a single identification number based on a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
3) Payment of a fee to register one of the authors is required to consider including one or more posters in the Conference Proceedings.

4) At least one author of the selected poster should attend the conference and present and discuss his/her contribution following the guidelines to be provided by the CIIS 2024 organizing committee.

For further information or questions, please send an e-mail to [email protected]