
Post-pandemic hybrid environments: Possibilities for new technologies


Renzo Angles

Graph database specialist

Tatiana Andreeva

Knowledge management specialist

Markus U. Mock

Smart farming specialist

Avid Román-González

Signal and image processing specialist

Mohammad Reza Mousavi

Software testing and validation specialist



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General chairs:

  • Dra. Nadia Rodríguez Rodríguez, Universidad de Lima, Perú
  • Dra. Nadia Rodríguez Rodríguez, Universidad de Lima, Perú
  • Program Chair and Co-Chair:

  • Mg. Franci Suni-Lopez, Universidad de Lima, Perú
  • Dra. Nelly Condori Fernandez, Universidad Santiago de Compostela, España
  • Scientific Committee:

  • Edwin Escobedo Cárdenas, Universidad de Lima, Perú
  • Effie Lai-Chong Law, PhD, Durham University, England
  • Dr. Guillermo Antonio Dávila Calle, Universidad de Lima, Perú
  • Dr. Hernan Nina Hanco, Universidad de Lima, Perú
  • Dr. Isaias Bianchi, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
  • Dr. Juan Gutiérrez Cárdenas, Universidad de Lima, Perú
  • Dr. Manuel Castillo Cara, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain).
  • Marco Antonio Sotelo Monge, PhD, Indra, España
  • Michael Dorin, University of St. Thomas, Estados Unidos
  • Ruth Maria Reategui Rojas, PhD, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador
  • Local Organizing Committee:

  • Andrea Matuk Chijner, Universidad de Lima, Perú
  • Carlos Torres Paredes, Universidad de Lima, Perú
  • Hernán Quintana Cruz, Universidad de Lima, Perú
  • Lourdes Ramírez Cerna, Universidad de Lima, Perú
  • Pablo Rojas Jaen, Universidad de Lima, Perú
  • Rocío del Pilar Checa Fernández, Universidad de Lima, Perú
  • Rosario Guzmán Jiménez, Universidad de Lima, Perú
  • Program Review Committee Members:

  • Carlos Alario (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España)
  • Hugo Alatrista (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)
  • Miriam Amable (Universidad de Lima, Perú)
  • Dennis Barrios (Universidad Católica San Pablo, Perú)
  • César Beltrán (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)
  • José Caballero (Universidad de Lima, Perú)
  • Guillermo Cámara (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brasil)
  • Daniel Cárdenas (Universidad de Lima, Perú)
  • Patricia Castillo (Universidad Católica San Pablo, Perú)
  • Raul Díaz Parra (Universidad de Lima, Perú)
  • Matheus Fernando-Moro (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil)
  • Shruti Goel (Navis, Estados Unidos)
  • Juan Carlos Gutiérrez-Cáceres (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Perú)
  • Cristian López (Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología, Perú)
  • Juan Antonio Lossio-Ventura (National Institutes of Health, Estados Unidos)
  • Markus Mock (Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Landshut, Alemania)
  • Javier Montoya (Escuela Politécnica Federal de Zúrich, Suiza)
  • Carlos Mugruza (Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Lima Sur, Perú)
  • Denisse Muñante (École Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique pour l’Industrie et l’Entreprise, Francia)
  • Paul Quiróz (Universidad de Lima, Perú)
  • Óscar Ramos (Universidad de Lima, Perú)
  • Alvaro Talavera (Universidad del Pacífico, Perú)
  • Regina Ticona (Universidad Católica San Pablo, Perú)
  • Carlos Torres Paredes (Universidad de Lima, Perú)
  • Yván Túpac (Universidad Católica San Pablo, Perú)
  • José Valdivia (Universidad de Lima, Perú)
  • Elizabeth Vidal (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Perú)
  • Edgar Sarmiento (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Perú)
  • Edward Hinojosa (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Perú)

    5th International Conference on Systems Engineering (CIIS 2022) is an international space, where topics related to hybrid environments and new technologies will be addressed with special focus on the current post-pandemic context. In this connection, we invite researchers, professionals and students to submit research papers on the topics covered in the congress. CIIS 2022 will be held in a hybrid format, being able to attend in person and virtually.

    Important Dates
    Paper submission deadline: Until July 25th Deadline extension until August 5th, 2022
    Review committee’s notification of paper acceptance and comments deadline: September 5, 2022
    Final paper submission deadline: September 19, 2022

    Author Guidelines

    a) Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (*.doc or *.docx) using this template.
    b) Papers should be at most fifteen (15) pages in length for complete research works and ten (10) pages in length for research works in progress, including references.
    c) Tables, diagrams or flowcharts should be editable and preferably created in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Adobe Illustrator.
    d) Images or photographs should be followed by *.jpg or *.png suffixes and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and a minimum size of 190 mm.
    e) Texts in figures should be grammatically correct and legible for the reader.
    f) Make sure not to include in-text citations whose source is not listed in the reference section and list references that are not cited in the paper.
    g) Papers should be original, novel and unpublished. Furthermore, avoid proposing this paper in other journals or academic congresses simultaneously.
    h) Papers should not include the name of the author or any other type of personal information to preserve his/her anonymity.
    i) Submitted papers should be evaluated anonymously by the review committee designated for CIIS 2022. The author will be notified of the review committee’s decision on the indicated date.

    Sobre la publicación del artículo Añadido:

    5th International Conference on Systems Engineering (CIIS 2022) is an international space, where topics related to hybrid environments and new technologies will be addressed with special focus on the current post-pandemic context. In this connection, we invite researchers, professionals and students to submit research papers on the topics covered in the congress. CIIS 2022 will be held in a hybrid format, being able to attend in person and virtually.

    Important Dates
    Paper submission deadline: Until July 25th Deadline extension until August 5th, 2022
    Review committee’s notification of paper acceptance and comments deadline: September 5, 2022
    Final paper submission deadline: September 19, 2022

    Author Guidelines
    a) Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (*.doc or *.docx) using this template.
    b) Papers should be at most fifteen (15) pages in length for complete research works and ten (10) pages in length for research works in progress, including references.
    c) Tables, diagrams or flowcharts should be editable and preferably created in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Adobe Illustrator.
    d) Images or photographs should be followed by *.jpg or *.png suffixes and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and a minimum size of 190 mm.
    e) Texts in figures should be grammatically correct and legible for the reader.
    f) Make sure not to include in-text citations whose source is not listed in the reference section and list references that are not cited in the paper.
    g) Papers should be original, novel and unpublished. Furthermore, avoid proposing this paper in other journals or academic congresses simultaneously.
    h) Papers should not include the name of the author or any other type of personal information to preserve his/her anonymity.
    i) Submitted papers should be evaluated anonymously by the review committee designated for CIIS 2022. The author will be notified of the review committee’s decision on the indicated date.

    Sobre la publicación del artículo Sin cambios:
    CIIS 2022 will publish papers approved by the review committee as follows:
    Sin cambios:

    CIIS 2022 will publish papers approved by the review committee as follows:
    Sin cambios: 1. Las ponencias aprobadas se publicarán en el portal de las Conference on Systems Engineering Proceedings The publications will be arranged in a series identified with ISSN 2810-806X (online) and ISBN approved by the Peruvian National Library.
    Sin cambios: 1. Las ponencias aprobadas se publicarán en el portal de las Conference on Systems Engineering Proceedings The publications will be arranged in a series identified with ISSN 2810-806X (online) and ISBN approved by the Peruvian National Library.
    Sin cambios: 2. Los artículos de los autores dispondrán de un identificador único basado en Digital Object Identifier System (DOI). DOI es gestionado por Crossref , so papers are easy to find, cite, link and reuse.
    Sin cambios: 2. Los artículos de los autores dispondrán de un identificador único basado en Digital Object Identifier System (DOI). DOI es gestionado por Crossref , so papers are easy to find, cite, link and reuse.
    Sin cambios: 3. Se requiere el pago de inscripción de uno de los ponentes, a fin de considerar la inclusión de uno o más artículos en las Actas del Congreso.
    Sin cambios: 3. Se requiere el pago de inscripción de uno de los ponentes, a fin de considerar la inclusión de uno o más artículos en las Actas del Congreso.
    Sin cambios: 4. Al menos un autor del artículo seleccionado debe asistir al congreso y presentar y discutir su contribución siguiendo las indicaciones que proporcionará el comité organizador del CIIS 2022.
    Sin cambios: 4. Al menos un autor del artículo seleccionado debe asistir al congreso y presentar y discutir su contribución siguiendo las indicaciones que proporcionará el comité organizador del CIIS 2022.
    Sin cambios: 5. Se recomendará la publicación de aquellos artículos seleccionados como sobresalientes en la revista indexada Interfases indexed journal. Upon acceptance, guidelines for an additional review will be sent to the author via e-mail. Papers to be published in the Interfases journal will not be published in the CIIS 2022 Proceedings.
    Sin cambios: 5. Se recomendará la publicación de aquellos artículos seleccionados como sobresalientes en la revista indexada Interfases indexed journal. Upon acceptance, guidelines for an additional review will be sent to the author via e-mail. Papers to be published in the Interfases journal will not be published in the CIIS 2022 Proceedings.
    Sin cambios: 6. El portal de Conference on Systems Engineering Proceedings meets the criteria set forth in the Guidelines on Good Publication Practice of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE),, que define el alcance, los deberes, las responsabilidades y los procedimientos de actuación en situaciones de mala conducta investigadora. Sin cambios: 6. El portal de Conference on Systems Engineering Proceedings meets the criteria set forth in the Guidelines on Good Publication Practice of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE),, que define el alcance, los deberes, las responsabilidades y los procedimientos de actuación en situaciones de mala conducta investigadora. Sin cambios: Nota. La revista Interfases journal and the portal of the CIIS Proceedings are edited by the University of Lima and are indexed in Open Access Theses and DissertationsOpen DoarBASEWorldcatCore.uk, Google scholarALICIA-ConcytecLa ReferenciaOpenAIRE.eu. Sin cambios: Nota. La revista Interfases journal and the portal of the CIIS Proceedings are edited by the University of Lima and are indexed in Open Access Theses and DissertationsOpen DoarBASEWorldcatCore.uk, Google scholarALICIA-ConcytecLa ReferenciaOpenAIRE.eu. Sin cambios:

    Sin cambios:

    Sin cambios: Para obtener más información o para formular preguntas, comuníquese con [email protected] Sin cambios: Para obtener más información o para formular preguntas, comuníquese con [email protected]
